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Vision and Mission


Marymount Academy envisions to be an institution of academic excellence, committed to the formation of character and the development of 21st century skills – producing globally competitive communicators and successful entrepreneurs.

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Marymount Academy commits to the integral development of each student, by

  • Upholding academic excellence

    • The school is a community of persons living by a set of common values based on its history, traditions and goals.

    • The school is an ethical community working towards the maximum development of intellectual capacities and skills in the service of God and humanity.

  • Developing 21st century skills, with emphasis on effective communication and successful entrepreneurship

    • The school equips its students with the necessary knowledge and skills needed to succeed in present times.

    • In line with the school’s thrust of developing effective communicators, the school constantly provides opportunities to enhance active listening, confident speaking, the use of appropriate body language and the production of valuable and accurate content.

    • In line with the school’s thrust of developing successful young entrepreneurs, the school emphasizes responsibility, resourcefulness and cost-effectiveness in every endeavor.

  • Strengthening character, through the inculcation of Christian values, personal formation and social responsiveness

    • Through a demanding academic and personal formation program, values are strengthened, personal maturity is fostered and a deep concern for others is cultivated.

The Three Houses

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