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Melchior, the wise man from Arabia, was the oldest.

He had a long gray beard and gave GOLD as a gift. It symbolized Mechiors' acceptance of Christ as King. The gift of Gold stood for Christ's kingship, of leadership and wisdom.


The crown is used to symbolize Melchior as one of the Wise Men. 

White is the color of the Melchior House. It stands for wholeness and completeness.

The Sun stands for brightness, symbolizing leadership. 

The Owl symbolizes Wisdom.

Members of the Melchior House exemplify intelligence in thoughts, words, and actions. 
They exhibit knowledge and foresight, their wisdom is used to initiate new beginnings and lead others. They use their natural intelligence to understand their environment and the people around them. They bring new ideas and a sense of freshness in tasks at hand.



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The Owl symbolizes Wisdom. It exemplifies intelligence in thought, words, and actions. It typifies knowledge and foresight, and the wisdom to initiate a new beginning and leads others

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The Dog typifies intelligent Obedience. It seeks what is right and true, takes the trouble to understand and looks beyond the surface meaning of things. It uses its intelligence to quality things, again its own witness and uses its faith in God to do work that is necessary.



The Three Crowns represent The Wise Men bearing Gifts who searched for the Infant Jesus by following the Rising Star. Having been introduced in the Bible and as a Christian tradition, The Wise Men represent how the learned kings or magi offered their adoration to Jesus. In their journey to seek the infant, they manifested three traits very much similar to the core values of Marymount.



The magi being learned scholars were wise or possessed wisdom; they studied the stars which was very much a science during their time. Upon observing the Rising Star, they understood that the coming of the Infant Jesus, the true King, was imminent. They searched diligently and intelligently by following the rising star(Star of Bethlehem). When the Wise Men set for their journey, their convictions and decisions to follow the star, ultimately to adore and serve the Lord, were based on critical, logical, and faithful intelligence.



The Wise Men wholeheartedly offered their love and gifts to the Infant Jesus. They offered gifts (Gold, Myrrh, and Frankincense) which were the best offerings in the Ancient days. After their visit to the Infant Jesus, they experienced a change of heart. Summoned by King Herod, whom they serve at first, to find the Infant Jesus; the Wise Men turned their backs to Herod and lived with Jesus as their King. They changed their course as they went back to their own places, spread the gospel, and became men for others.



As their natural wisdom was not enough, they sought help from the scribes who were familiar with the Scriptures. they continued their search heeding the teachings. The Wise Men responded faithfully and obediently to God by following the rising star and giving the Infant Jesus their adoration with unfailing love and faith. The Adoration of the Magi was a clear proof of their surrender (obedience) to God's call.

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